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Reader survey
You can help us improve the Gairloch and District Times by answering these five quick questions.

How likely are you to recommend the Gairloch and District Times to other people that live in or visit Wester Ross?

(0 is not likely at all. 10 is very likely)
How likely are you to recommend the Gairloch and District Times to other people that live in or visit Wester Ross?

Can you tell us more about why you gave that score?

Which parts of the Gairloch Times do you find valuable?

(Choose as many as you like)
Which parts of the Gairloch Times do you find valuable?

If there was one thing we should stop doing, what is it and why?

If there was one thing you would like us to do more of, or something we should start doing, what is it and why?

How do you usually read the Gairloch Times?

(Chooose one)
How do you usually read the Gairloch Times?

If you would be happy for us to contact you about your feedback, please tell us your email address here.

(We're fine with anonymous feedback too!)